

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Andrew Gardner posted a thoughtful comment on a recent post of mine in which I talked about a member of the public asking if I would sell her a Queensberry album. He's concerned that Queensberry's aim to build their brand amongst brides might turn the albums into a commodity and encourage discounting (eg "click here for cheapest QBY albums!") His thoughts probably reflect the concerns of many photographers. He says, Obviously we can't be complacent and we should always be thinking of unique and original ways to make ourselves stand out. But I have a niggling feeling that what Queensberry thought To View More >>

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If you want your order to sail smoothly through our ordering process, please make sure it's ready to go before you send it. Hopefully this post will give you some insight into why that's so important – why even minor changes to an order can cause a lot of work at our end. For example, suppose you request design or layout changes, or send us new versions of image files or album plans. First we have to call up your original order and work out exactly what you want done to it – not easy when we have hundreds of albums working their way through production at any one time. We may need to, for example: To View More >>

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A couple of weeks ago I posted about aggravating business policies and touch points, and asked readers to tell us about the things we do that's frustrating! We received three comments. One I've mentioned already, and the other two also raise important issues. Katherine (not her real name) emailed her account manager to say she doesn't like Photojunction. More important, she doesn't like feeling pressured by Queensberry into using it. She feels that if QBY were truly customer focused she wouldn't feel this pressure and could continue in the way that's suited her perfectly for the last seven years. To View More >>

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Before they invented pixels much of the stuff that we do in post production happened to the image as it was taken. There used to be a vignette you could apply 'on camera', there were wonderful things that you could do using a softar filter. There also was attention to detail. Details of composition, lighting, expression and, dare I use the word, posing. We now shoot a ridiculous number of frames as we become more opportunist and somehow more reckless. Certainly from this reckless/prolific behavior we get some true gems, but we often create more work than is necessary. I just wanted to give a plug To View More >>

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The Photojunction Start Window's new tabbed menu design gives you direct, easy to understand access to your work. From left to right... Until now the Start Window displayed events and products, which confused some people. Now the 'Recent' tab only displays recent products (ie albums, slideshows, proof sheets). If you still want to access your clients or events click on Browse tab, which looks and acts as the browse window always has... Finally, with its very own tab the Upload window is much more obvious. Near the bottom of the screen you'll see we've also added a live feed from our blog, The To View More >>

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